
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 Launches! Personalized News+Blog Search Delivered via RSS

Well, at last, the project I've been working on for the past few months has been launched (it's in beta)! is a personalizable news+blog search engine. You simply enter a list of things you're interested in, and it generates an RSS feed of the search results, which you can then subscribe to with your favorite news reader. Or just bookmark it in your browser. In addition, you can even get a widget to put your feed results on your web site or blog.

As someone who reads news all the time, on a large variety of topics, this is really a project that I personally have loved to work on. Although there are Google Alerts and Yahoo Alerts, which let you subscribe to individual queries, I have so many interests (hundreds of queries) that emails to my inbox would be way too difficult to manage. FeedUp takes all your interests specified in a feed and ranks the results to deliver to you the best articles to read. Anyways, try it out!

By the way, is a Kosmix product, but, we chose not to brand it as Kosmix so as not to confuse it with our existing vertical search products.


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