
Monday, August 28, 2006

Solar Sailor - coming to San Francisco

Solar power is on the verge of becoming mainstream in the California housing market. The goal of a new bill passed in California is to create a million solar-powered homes. In addition, new solar energy start-ups such as NanoSolar are expecting to decrease the cost of solar cells by a factor of 10. So, it should be no surprise that here in California, even boats are going solar! Yes, a new solar-powered (hybrid electric + diesel) passenger ferry called the Solar Sailor is expected to begin operation by 2008, shuttling passengers to and from Alcatraz.

And while we're talking about alternative-fuel boats, there's also the EarthRace, a biodiesel powerboat that is circumnavigating the world, and happens to be in California right now. Check it out.. this is one of the coolest looking boats you'll ever see.


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