
Saturday, January 28, 2006

Watching All things Kosmix

I've been at for over a year now, and finally, Kosmix is getting ready to leave stealth mode. So, as we enter a more "public" phase, it'll be interesting to track our progress. There are all kinds of interesting ways of tracking things on the web now. Let's see what happens.....

Cloudalicious is a very cool web site that tracks the tag cloud associated with an URL over time. As Kosmix branches out from health, we should see an evolution of this cloud. Tag Cloud from Cloudalicious Cloudalicious Tag History with details tags about Kosmix

Google News articles about Kosmix:
Kosmix in the news

Looking at just Tags from Technorati:
Kosmix Tags from Technorati

Alexa is a site that tracks site popularity through a browser plug-in.
Kosmix Alexa traffic

Links TO Kosmix. Yahoo's search engine does a good job of showing who links TO a site.
Links TO

TalkDigger is a meta-search-engine that covers major blog sites. Here's an RSS feed of Kosmix mentions.

If you know of any cool site tracking web tools, leave a comment.

JSCH - Java SSH Libraries

Open source is great. I recently discovered Jsch a Java Secure Channel library. It's a full implementation of SSH2 in Java. As a plus, the author was very responsive to making improvements (such as supporting the ssh "none" cipher in a future release). If you need to write a Java application that needs to talk securely to other systems, this is a great package to start with.

Monday, January 16, 2006

New Personal Finance Search Engine Vertical - by Fidelity

Breaking news! Fidelity has a beta version of their Personal Finance search engine. It's from FidelityLabs, which apparently is their site for testing out new products.

It has a nice clean, simple user interface- I like the fonts a lot. They seem to be crawling the web, but are limiting the crawl to finance-related web sites, so coverage seems to a bit limited by their restricted set of sites or pages. They say that they have a manually curated set of sites, and then augment those sites with "hidden gems", sites that they classify as on-topic, and manually accept or reject those sites. In addition, they also index web sites of major financial services companies.

Result quality needs a bit of work, though it's not a bad start. We'll have to see how it evolves.


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Apple Announces x86 Laptop, Stock closes at $80.86

What was once almost unthinkable has become reality- Apple has announced a new laptop, based on Intel's x86 architecture. The new MacBook Pro is based on an Intel Core Duo processor, which is a fast, energy-efficient dual core processor. The new MacBook Pro seems like a quite decent machine, but at least right now, isn't so compelling that I HAVE to have one.

By an amazing and true coincidence, Apple's stock closed at $80.86 on the day of the announcement!

[Source Citation: Quote from Yahoo]

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Google now bigger than IBM

An amazing thing happened today. Google's market value just surpassed IBM. This is an amazing feat. Is it a bubble? Is it a reflection of the inability of IBM to take risks and grow in new directions? Or maybe a little bit of both.

In my days at IBM, we had some of the best and brightest people working on search. We had tremendous resources and ground-breaking algorithms and patents related to web search. But, we were not allowed to build a consumer web search engine. Now most of those great researchers and engineers are at Yahoo and Google.

[Source Citation: Quotes are from Yahoo]