Asset Allocation - A GREAT tool, Portfolio X-Ray
One of the biggest factors in investing performance is your asset allocation. What areas are you in and what are you not. I was looking at my investing portfolio's asset allocation, with an absolutely amazing tool on the web, Portfolio X-Ray. It's available from Morningstar or T. Rowe Price.
It's a FREE tool that lets you enter your stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and ETFs, and it shows you detailed breakdowns of your portfolio in all different ways, such as by:
* Asset Class (cash, u.s. stocks, bonds, foreign,)
* Stock Style (large cap, midcap, smallcap, and growth or value)
* Stock Sector (such as software, hardware, healthcare, energy, etc... even compares your allocation vs. the S&P 500)
* Stock Type (high yield, distressed, hard assets, cyclical, slow growth, classical growth, aggressive growth, speculative growth)
* Word Regions (your allocation in various foreign markets)
* Fees & Expenses (how you're doing vs. the average fund)
* Stock Intersection ( a total portfolio view of the stocks you hold and where they are held, by counting shares held even within your mutual funds and ETFs)
This is an incredibly useful tool, and opened my eyes to a missing asset class in my portfolio (small cap stocks). If you like looking at numbers and data, you'll love this tool. It's rare to find such a useful, well-thought out financial tool, and the fact that it's free is all the more amazing.
It's a FREE tool that lets you enter your stocks, mutual funds, bonds, and ETFs, and it shows you detailed breakdowns of your portfolio in all different ways, such as by:
* Asset Class (cash, u.s. stocks, bonds, foreign,)
* Stock Style (large cap, midcap, smallcap, and growth or value)
* Stock Sector (such as software, hardware, healthcare, energy, etc... even compares your allocation vs. the S&P 500)
* Stock Type (high yield, distressed, hard assets, cyclical, slow growth, classical growth, aggressive growth, speculative growth)
* Word Regions (your allocation in various foreign markets)
* Fees & Expenses (how you're doing vs. the average fund)
* Stock Intersection ( a total portfolio view of the stocks you hold and where they are held, by counting shares held even within your mutual funds and ETFs)
This is an incredibly useful tool, and opened my eyes to a missing asset class in my portfolio (small cap stocks). If you like looking at numbers and data, you'll love this tool. It's rare to find such a useful, well-thought out financial tool, and the fact that it's free is all the more amazing.
Hey JasonZ! My dad's getting into managing his own finances, & we checked out your blog & Pro Money Talk... we liked the sounds of the X-ray tool on Morningstar, but I think it's "premium" content and you have to be a paying member.
=( Andrea
Yetivera, at 12:24 PM
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