
Monday, October 24, 2005

The Kosmix Health Search Engine is alive!

After being at Cosmix Corp. for about 8 months, the parent corporation for our consumer search site, on Friday, October 21, 2005, we have left stealth mode. Well, sort of. We just had a stealth launch of our consumer search site, a Medical and Health Search Engine. At this early stage, it's still in alpha release mode, as we have plenty of work to do, but, it is actually working very well. Search quality is excellent right now for most queries.

So, what have we done? We've built the most comprehensive (as far as I know) health-focused vertical search engine to date. Our coverage is *far* better than HealthLine, which also debuted this week (you can see for yourself by trying out some rarer queries). You can see that we also have sub-categories that help you learn more about and discover other information about your query beyond the normal one-size-fits-all list that is the standard for the major web search engines.

We have a few cool features included as well. For instance, if you type an acronym in all capital letters, such as: MS we suggest the fully expanded acronym as a query. Also, we give Wikipedia, the "open source" encyclopedia on the web, first class status: If you type in a query that matches a Wikipedia topic, a link to it shows up at the top.